
Going Barking Mad!

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45You may have noticed lately that my page has gone a little Dog Crazy!

It all started when one of my metal blank suppliers started making dog shapes. She started with 20 popular breeds. I ordered 5 breeds to start with just to see the reaction. Made one design, that was in mid-March, We are now in April, I have 18 breeds in stock out of the now 28 available!

I didn’t realise how crazy for dogs you all are!
Here is my very first dog make – A german shepherd dog shape with “This Human Belongs To..” and a heart tag with the dogs name. Both complete with the heart paw print design. 

Within minutes of posting this design I had an inbox full of messages asking for various breeds, from Labradors to huskys, cockapoos to westies and more! I have tried my best to make as many breeds as possible, but some are not yet available. My supplier will tell you how much I have bugged her in the last few weeks and we are now on 28 breeds – that’s 8 new breeds since the beginning  AND there is more to come!

I have now started on new ranges – Dog Name Magnets and Dog Name Keyrings.

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If there is any breed you’d like to see that I don’t already cover please pop a comment on the post! I will get on to the supplier and see what we can do!

Thank you for keeping me super busy.

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